Sunday, March 11, 2007

Litter, Litter, Litter

One of the biggest issues raised in our recent constituency-wide survey was the problem of litter.

Not only is it an eye-sore but it also attracts rats and other vermin.

On Saturday 10th March, as part of a nationwide initiative by the Conservatives, local Conservative Councillors joined Tracey Crouch and an army of Conservative volunteers on a huge constituency-wide litter pick.

We all accept, however, that our litter pick is not the long-term solution - people need to take personal responsibility for their own litter (and not expect the Council, or the Council tax payers, to clean up the mess and pick-up the bill) - but we hope we made your area a bit cleaner and healthier.

Warmer Weather and Smelly Bins !

Several residents have contacted us about the green recycling bins and new refuse collection guidelines. People are concerned with the warmer Spring and Summer weather approaching and have asked for advice about how to avoid last year's problems with rotting food that not only smells foul but also attracts flies and maggots.

We have been speaking to environmental health officials about the problem, and we hope the following information will assist in future:

The most important thing to remember is food waste can be placed in either bin.

Many people seem to think that food waste has to go in the traditional black bin and will only be emptied once a fortnight. This is not so. You can dispose of food in whichever bin is next to be emptied. However, if you are placing food waste in the green bin, please wrap it in paper not plastic.

We have also been informed that a larger black bin can be supplied to households of 6 or more people. In such cases a baby, or child in nappies, counts as two people.

Some households have commented that they compost their green waste and take their glass and newspaper to local recycling points, and they therefore have no use for a green bin. If this applies to you, simply contact the council and they will take the green bin away. You will still be able to dispose of green waste in a traditional sack - but leave the sack open so the collection teams can see what it contains.

Further information on safe disposal of rubbish and prevention of bad smells and maggots can be obtained from the T&MBC website (CLICK HERE) or from the waste disposal helpline on 01732 876146 or by email: Thank you.
Printed and promoted by A Kennedy on behalf of Ditton Conservatives all at 200 Canterbury Street, Gillingham, Kent.